Wednesday, November 4, 2009

class notes nov 4th

Everybody pick 3 research questions
-broad, frame whole project
- how can we empower local agriculture mvmt
*process of empowerment through collectivity
-barriers to involvement in the local agricultural mvmt
-how does local agriculture/food systems work in and around Athens
- how do we increase consumption of local food
-what are prospects of marketing local food to low-income consumers
-health(maybe in conclusion section)
3 research questions=
1) what does the Athens, Georgia food system look like?
a. Where do consumers buy food, labor etc
2) Mechanisms for increasing consumption of local food esp. low –income consumers
3) Do/how do community or social networks or collectives facilitate consumption of local food consumption
4) other
5) missing pieces

Interviews and how we want to talk about results-
We want Raw data, verbatim words
The tone that you set prior to data collection, you have to remain neutral during data collection


Reading day= wed 9th
Finals= 10th-15th
8th= potluck
15th= report due

lit review committee = dec 1st
intro/conclusion= dec 8th
editing= last
next week bring transcribed interviews coded

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